Category Archives: Faith

The sense of what needs to be done

Sometimes we miss, but sometimes we see very clear. We never know when it will appear, or if they ever show that side towards we have to bow. I am referring to what to do. We could define it as a feeling that we have to move in one direction rather than another. It also tends to emerge as the conviction that we finally have a clear path to go to where we want and reject what we do not want.

Who speaks to us at the time? Perhaps some being? Or is the substance that tells us what we need? I do not know. Even perceive only in some very special moments, I should go to a certain place. In these times not appreciated the difficulty, even the conditions, but simply go there what guides us.

If we learn to hear, hear. if we learn to see, visualize the way. If we learn the point where that feeling appears, we listen and if we feel good, follow it. It’s an instant, so we must be alert, awake, in touch with ourselves and what we think lies beyond. We all have at one time.

Whatever it is, when we were talken, we have to listen respectfully. We can not ignore. We always choose. But we must always listen.

All we are afraid of being rich

I received a mail from a friend that comment that a while ago with her husband they have a successful business. And the more successful were more problems began to appear, which ended up with the copule separated. She thinks that they were so affected that now her mind is hindered and that prevents it from moving, advance economically and have more things. She thinks that this fact makes them think, unconsciously, that if they do well with the money to go back to finish separated.

It is the fear of progress, leave happiness today. It is as if they were going to be punished by ambitious, and the universe will punish his ambition stripping what they want more than money.

I told my friend that this trauma actually exists in many people. Many of us do not want to progress faster or not we want to make progress at all because we are afraid of losing what we have, it seems to us very much. We believe that if we get rich by a coup, for example, we would bring bad luck and we could lose our family or our friends. And so we are satisfied, not risk, and try to improve a little, a very little without the Universe realize.

It is a defense mechanism of nature, while we are well, best dont innovate, dont change.

But it is a trap, an absurd  trap. Particularly because it means accepting the fear, adopt our own fear as a matter of course, who lives with us all the time. And that fear is going to finish winning our soul and seizing us. That fear will make us to progress increasingly slow, slower, to stop. And then there is no way out. No way.

The future and wealth are made for us. For whom instead? And that future we need to take, the way you want. First, we must dispel the fear of our minds, and then take in the future. As Wattles said, there is nothing good to be poor or have a modest life. If so were true, all the poor would be happy, and they are not. Poverty is not a good thing, is a sorry state that does not help us at all. And the middle class only increases the frustration of the people. Nobody can fully develop if it does not have everything that want, everything you need to show all your human qualities. Nobody can be happy in mediocrity.

And the security that we believe to have, in a shot could disappear. So we have to take our future, clean our minds of fear, and be free from fear that causes us forward. Only then can we quickly get everything we want and be truly happy.

The powerful people that have used their will and desire

I read somewhere that the promoters or disseminators of the book and film The Secret, based on the Law on Attraction, are given paternity on the most famous fortunes of mankind. We are told, at least I thought well understood that Carnegie, Rockefeller and the like, have become millionaires through carrying out the secret that these groups now deveale to us.

Besides being quite presumptuous, since there is the slightest way of knowing how Rockefeller made his fortune in his intimate brain, it seems to me completely nonsensical award all these fortunes to a certain way of thinking. And if the holders of such fortunes were a secret inviolate mysteriously conveyed to them, we can hardly check.

Care, I am not saying that coincidentally may have reason not to a great extent, because there is no way to prove it. But presuming it to sell books or movies I think excessive marketing. Of course, in addition to this statement stained with a conspiratorial component, as they suggest that all these wealthy individuals shared the same secret that was passed them all so dark and underground.

It is useless to mention that all this is impossible to prove. But that would be the lesser of two evils. The downside is that it puts them at a level of presumtion that makes intelligent people unbelieve immediately of his theories, ignoring its positive elements. In other words, well-intentioned people who are exposed to this level of exaggeration were horrified by its sharp smell of cheap marketing.
At least that’s what I think.

A true story about how to guess the future

Much has been written here about ways to predict the future. There are people who can and who do not. It is as simple as that there are people and people. Those who can not are that they have not tried simply. And I leave you a true story.

A friend who always visits this blog began to practise the teachings of The Science of Getting Rich from Wallace Wattles. We will name her A. You can read their comments on different pages. Well, without much detail, we can say that on the same day that she began to feel that something was changing, guessed their future. In the same days that Science Wattles began to grow in his mind, she had a perception that only a guess might have. If there Seer, clear…

One day woke up and knew, she knew that that day would change something in their employment situation, which was being bombed by “sayings and makings” as she recounts in a comment to this blog. And actually the same day things changed, and changed for the better.

That’s adivination?. Forgive me, but it’s not. The future, like the past, is formed by things that are dynamics and are changing constantly and turning in our favor or against us. And that is not that the past or the future change, but we address our life in the sense of transiting the past and the future in our favour, as long as we move the substance, the vast maker of all things.

Hopefully will read more of A. in the coming days. If her faith remains strong certainly surprised us positively.

The absolute faith in Wattles

Quoting Wattles in The Science of Getting Rico, in Chapter 4:

Do not ask why these things are true or speculate on how they could be true. Just trust them. The science of becoming rich begins with the complete acceptance of this.

Perhaps this is the assertion of Wallace Wattles more times has been unheeded. All those who have made contact with the book The Science of Getting Rico we have begun asking how we can make this work, why, what was the explanation for scientific or common sense, and so on. etc. All, or nearly all, we have fallen into that temptation.

Perhaps I know the only person who didn´t this. It is a great friend and partner who has firmly accepted the precepts of science without asking why even once. I remember that we had long conversations where he made an enormous effort to convince me that simply accept. Acept and believe.

The argument he used was simple, but very forceful. My friend said that if science was real and it worked, blindly believing it will make us rich, and there would be nothing to worry about thereafter. However, if those things were simply unrealistic and an a not working invention, or only one more fabrication, we would not do any harm or hurt us. So it was worthy believe blindly, without worrying about the origin of things beyond belief that it works.

And so we did. And really works. The most wonderful book that has been written, in my opinion, describes a strong reality as firm as the sun, clear, simple and not only make us rich but again makes us owners of our lives, govern what we want to happen, achieving what we want be or do, and ultimately makes us so happy.

Wattles revisited

As always I can, I make a re-reading of the book of the Science of Becoming Rich of our good friend and beneficent Wallace Wattles. This time was for some days of uncertainty to have happened, of doubt and of confusion in what concerns to my work and the different activities that I carry out to make money. It was, as always, to return to the source to charge the batteries.

And every time that I return encounter a new aspect in Wattles that had not seen before. This astonishes me because it is not such a long neither so dense book as so that one always finds different things.

In this case I stopped in a page with a thought that came me suddenly to my head. It was the security that Wattles is not an author of those of self-help that seeks to give us a recipe on how thinking, what to think and that if we make it we will have all the things that we want. The books of self-help have a thing in common: they say make this and that, of certain form, and your life will change one day for the other one. Wattles is different. Not there are recipes to change our form to think, there is not anything to modify in our lives. Not there is an order of things that to complete, neither recommendations that many times are contradicted among them.

Wattles is simple, simple, deeply scientific, creative, formative, and all their recommendations settle in making the things well. Only that it is necessary to make them in certain way, in a successful way, as he says, and with the faith of getting our purpose and gratitude for that to the sustance. Read it and see.

How to use the creative mind

Wallace Wattles indicates us repeatedly that we should use the creative mind instead of the competitive mind. The competitive mind is that makes an effort to win, that wants to take most of something that already exists in its own benefit. It is the mind that suposes that the wealths in the universe are limited and that therefore I should take it for me before it could be taken by another. And if I can take what another has well, quicker I will become rich. It is almost the limited mind, the mind of the economic rules, the squizo mind.

On the other hand the creative mind is that makes an effort to create wealths where there are not exists. It is the creative thought that looks for generating instead of appropriating, to put instead of taking out, to invent instead of competing by using the invented. It is the way like the big men of the history have become big, generating what doesn’t exist instead of keeping a portion of the existent thing.

And I think of an example excessively paradigmatic, first for the current times and then because it shows the same person clearly and consecutively in the use of their two minds. It is Bill Gates example.

When he was young, Bill used their creative mind deeply. In those years the computation companies decreased to a minuscule group led by IBM that had the vanguard and most of the market. The blue giant, as they call it, possessed enormous resources dedicated to develop more and more powerful machines and that alone could be bought by gigantic companies in many thousands or millions of dollars.

But young Bill was resolved to create an empire. Anyone in their situation, and with some common sense, had been given that it could not compete against IBM. Anyone also that had their ambition and their desire of wealth and had not still been discouraged, had thought that if he really wanted to make it should look for big investors, to propose them a convincing idea in exchange for many millions, and to rush to compete against the blue giant to be about stealing them although a small part of their enormous market. Maybe in few years it could have taken a tiny percentage of the market of the big computers and he had lived happy for ever in a humble middle class condominium.

But on the other hand Bill used his creative mind and decided to dive until finding a new niche, a new market, and he found it soon: computers for common people, for the man of the street, for the home and the small office, instead of computers for the big corporations. Their genius exploded and the substance helped him to develop a gigantic market that transformed it in few years in the richest man in the world. This way, instead of fighting for a small portion of the cake of other, his creative mind impelled him to create a new cake that was almost everything of its property and filled him with thousands of millions of dollars. Not alone he won thousands of millions but rather it contributed to change the life and the work like we know them, making an enormous jump to the modern world.

But the time passed. Not exacerbated by their enormous success the so young Bill already decided that it was moment his cake to be only for him that should not allow to enter to anybody. And it began to impel monopolic practices that were worth him millions of dollars in trials and a bad reputation like greedy, disloyal and not very prone character to the innovations if these were developed by others. The antimonopoly trials of Microsoft are a classic in all the areas of the planet and the bad reputation of its company is not gratuitous, due to those not very friendly practices. If the good of Bill had maintained their trust in itself, their honesty of young and open venturesome, their vision in the face of the risks, another would be the concept of their company among the customers.

An example like this shows us that the use of the creative mind can make us grow to high limits while the use of the competitive, greedy and conservative mind, the only thing that will make is that we lose our innocence and our capacity of creating wealth.

When I met the Science of Wattles

When I met the work of Wallace Wattles I was passing a good moment in the economic thing, but there was something that bothered me, a hole sensation, of not to know why I was making that was making for. The things of my work went well, and economically I could not complain, although it was not becoming rich, but a feeling that it was a hollow inside, that anything cared a lot and of not having a desire that impels me steamed up at that moment.

Casually I found in internet the book of Wallace Wattles. First read it in English and then in Spanish, that obviously clarified me a lot the vision. Immediately I felt that it was in front of something that had looked for many times without knowing it exactly.

However, I was oppressed by the enormous quality of what had and for the enormous task that waited for me. Immediately I felt that I believe firmly in what Wattles said, an instantaneous faith took possession of me. But at the same time, I felt that that faith required a very big impulse of my will so was made real.

Then I left the book to a side for a couple of months. I had the feeling that I was not enough clever, that I should gather forces, or something should happen that impelled me externally to follow the advice and postulates of the book. It was a strange sensation: on one hand knowing that I was in front of something totally certain for me, but at the same time to know that you don’t have enough force to make it like he should make it. It was as mixing the happiness that I have discovered the truth and a certain sadness of knowing that the search had finished, together with feeling weak to confront the challenges that I should confront.

Until the force appeared and everything changed. The faith put my soul in movement, the gratefulness arose suddenly and I started. I began this way to become rich with firm steps, with certainties and without fear, and with the absolute conviction that this is possible, this works, it is easier than it seems although there are moments of difficulty and weakness. Now, I see back and I think that what I wanted was happening as quick as possible, with determination and security. Now, this is only growing day by day, with the certainty that everything is possible.

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