Tag Archives: Thoughts

how you can predict the future

Much has been said about the problems that have revealed the men since there is written record of your thoughts. The life and death, the existence of God, the limits of the universe are perhaps the most recurrent. But definitely more ink has been consumed and thoughts is the future in all its forms.

Guessing the future or the existence of the future as this that we get are two aspects that have always worried the human race. The future and prior knowledge are always in the minds of mankind as something that would make them miraculous, immensely rich and powerful. Obviously, anyone who can guess the future would have enormous power over others, even though he could not guess himself. Others would have in their hands and could generate an infinite fortune with it.

Then there is the issue of security. If something makes us weak or hesitant, is the absolute lack of knowledge about things to come. There are all equal, the rich and the poor, the powerful and the subject. Nobody knows if tomorrow we will wake up. And how. Then guess the future would be an element that would give us full of confidence about ourselves, and others.

But the bad news is that it is impossible to guess what will happen. The shamans or witches or wizards simply can not. Why the future is not built, is a place that does not exist. However, personally, sometimes seem to have succeeded, at least that’s my experience.

And how they do it? Simply read our minds, are the projections that we issued to the substance and desires, and assume that we will prevail. So it was so one day I went to see one of these people. In those days I was out of work, and had a chance to enter a large company, which missed and asked for day and night. Seeing me, she just said, to the astonishment of those present, “going to get into this business.”Everyone murmured in amazement, as he was a true and absolute prediction. Finally I succeeded.

The lady had not only watch the projected images that my mind transmit every day, with strength and uncontrollable desire. And seeing the strength of my conviction, did not hesitate to “guess” that I would succeed. Do not guess the future, but I built it.

Why sometimes the science does not work?

Often we desbelieve about The Science To Getting Rich from Wallace Wattles because we arrived erroneously to the conclusion that it does not work. And before telling you my experiences, I want to clarify this well as I understand it so that there were not desertions that would not have to be.

Science works, evidently, but there are moments that we do not know how making it really work. And those moments are many more, unfortunately, than those in wich we obtained make it.

In the first place Science works without effort. That is to say, it is not required to be constantly thinking about it, nor tasks of concentration or meditation to cause that we obtain what we wished. Everything is very smooth and relaxed, to such point that sometimes we ended up thinking that it was not the science of Wattles that obtained this or that to us so that we did not deliver any effort. We think that it was the chance or the destiny, or that were predestined to that it happened to us. That is to say, instead of  look for its natural causes, that are explained in Science, we invented improbable causes to demonstrate to us that the things happen to us. This last one is so valid for the good things as for those bad ones.

Second, this works of natural way, like all science that boasts. That is to say, nobody delivers an effort to throw an apple downwards, it falls “naturally”. With the same naturalness the effects of the science of Wallace Wattles happen. But we have not preparations, as I said before, for this naturalness. We think that we must make complexes exercises of concentration in those things that we wished so it brings to us with our power mind. We strived in finding out how we must determine our mind, and there commit the error that frustrates to us and it makes us desbelieve.

Throughout my experience, I have reached the conclusion that this is the part most difficult to explain. I have tried in several posts in this site, inclusively having used figures perhaps strange to be able to show what is what we do badly habitually. Now I will try another one.

We imagine that about the world of every day, our work or our activities, we thought with the mind, with the head. I say we imagine although it is certainly we thought with the mind and not with the elbow or the legs, and that most probable are than the mind is in the head, but what I mean is that for the science of Wattles we think with the heart. I am not saying to appeal to the feelings, but to think with means of the chest, yet our being, with the heart like visceral part of our being. The thoughts concentrates in the head are ephemeral, volatile, and easily very weak. Why it is an enormous effort to concentrate ten minutes in a thing. They are light thoughts. But the thoughts of the chest are permanent, are desires mixed with feelings to which the mind puts a little understanding to them.

Like when we see a person whom dislikes to us deeply, we felt in the chest, plexo and all our body an annoyance, an inconvenience. That is real. And to that the mind interprets soon it, but first it feels. To that it is what Wattles talks about with thinking of certain way and to act in certain way. It is to that and not to imagine with the head  imaginations that never will have weight to become in fact.

Give me the benefit of doubt and test it. They will see that there the Science of Wattles works, and works well fast.

Traslation of the original http://wattles.wordpress.com

Acting on positive

In every one of those situations which we live, we stand with people who have a competitive vision of life. People are living trying to compete with others to secure their position at work, at society or at love. People do not hesitate to destroy their peers to earn a place in the office or in the company. People who speak badly of others, sowing doubt about its morality or simply discredited by envy.

This happens in all countries, all cultures and all activities. And this is part of a deep contradiction: Many times people make much damage to others to get a good thing for one, without thinking that an injury can never build a well. Even up to the war, the most brutal act of collective human, nobody wins, and the victors often lose more than the losers.

To think that a bad action to a coworker, speaking ill of him or destroy his reputation, can generate some good for ourselves, is to think that evil can generate a good thing. Perhaps temporarily this could happen, and we get some improvements for a while, but in the long run this will reverse in some aspect of our lives, the universe will pass the bill.

No one is alone or isolated in the universe, and the damage that we do to others is what we are doing to ourselves. Only that for our confusion, sometimes occurs positive effects misleading. If we can understand this truth so simple and naive, the world would be a place much more livable and humane.