Tag Archives: Fear

A better world and orange juice

One day, the teacher looked around and saw a boy of about twelve years old, he brought an orange in her hand. The teacher looked him in the eyes and asked him to give him the orange, to which the young agreed. The teacher said:

– If I squeeze this orange with all my strength,what come out of it?

The youth replied

– Juice, of course.

The teacher insisted

– You will have apple juice?

The young man looked astonished and shook his head.

– Grape juice? – Insisted the teacher.

– No! – Replied the boy, thinking he was taking for a fool, rather angry.

– So, what will?

– Orange juice, of course. – Replied the young man, exasperated.

– Why? Why orange juice?

– Because is an orange and orange juice is what’s inside. – Concluded the young.

Then the teacher told

– Suppose that there is not an orange, suppose is you. If someone assaults you, speak bad about you, bothers you, press you, and you comes anger, rage, hatred, poisoned, feared, is because that is what is inside you. What comes out of us when the world offends or attacks us? If you get hate, is because within you there is nothing but hate and pain.

No matter who attack us, you can be our parents, our boss, the government, even nature, a loved one. If when we are attacked or wronged react with another feeling that is not love, it is because we have allowed it to grow into. We can not react with hatred if we have not hatred inside. We can not react with violence, if we have not violence inside us previously.

Now, the choice is ours. We have the power and consciousness enough to replace our hatred, rage, anger, by love, compassion, kindness, forgiveness. Feelings that transform the world into a better place, not only for others but for ourselves. When we replace these harmful feelings by those other benign, we will have a better life and do a little better the lives of others.

Living without fear

There are famous posts on this blog devoted to the topic of fear. They have been widely read and discussed. And of course the fear is famous too, has a lot of press. We are the only creature in nature that is afraid aware, the animals feel but is masked in the survival instinct. We feel fear about many more things that cannot kill us than those that could destroy our life.

Wattles does not say much, does not dwell on fear, but I discovered that his book is clearly written by someone who was immune to the fear of our every day life. Fear of not having a job, fear of emotional closeness, fear of disease, fear of physical pain, fear of not knowing how to do the things we do, fear but to do things that no one recognizes it, afraid to go unnoticed, fear of being the center of the meeting, fear a. ..

I would like to survey readers about the most common fears. Perhaps in the future put one of those automated systems that allow online surveys. But for now I just leave the question to see if someone picks up the gauntlet and answer: What do you think are the most common fears in a person? We hope the answers with genuine curiosity.

All we are afraid of being rich

I received a mail from a friend that comment that a while ago with her husband they have a successful business. And the more successful were more problems began to appear, which ended up with the copule separated. She thinks that they were so affected that now her mind is hindered and that prevents it from moving, advance economically and have more things. She thinks that this fact makes them think, unconsciously, that if they do well with the money to go back to finish separated.

It is the fear of progress, leave happiness today. It is as if they were going to be punished by ambitious, and the universe will punish his ambition stripping what they want more than money.

I told my friend that this trauma actually exists in many people. Many of us do not want to progress faster or not we want to make progress at all because we are afraid of losing what we have, it seems to us very much. We believe that if we get rich by a coup, for example, we would bring bad luck and we could lose our family or our friends. And so we are satisfied, not risk, and try to improve a little, a very little without the Universe realize.

It is a defense mechanism of nature, while we are well, best dont innovate, dont change.

But it is a trap, an absurd  trap. Particularly because it means accepting the fear, adopt our own fear as a matter of course, who lives with us all the time. And that fear is going to finish winning our soul and seizing us. That fear will make us to progress increasingly slow, slower, to stop. And then there is no way out. No way.

The future and wealth are made for us. For whom instead? And that future we need to take, the way you want. First, we must dispel the fear of our minds, and then take in the future. As Wattles said, there is nothing good to be poor or have a modest life. If so were true, all the poor would be happy, and they are not. Poverty is not a good thing, is a sorry state that does not help us at all. And the middle class only increases the frustration of the people. Nobody can fully develop if it does not have everything that want, everything you need to show all your human qualities. Nobody can be happy in mediocrity.

And the security that we believe to have, in a shot could disappear. So we have to take our future, clean our minds of fear, and be free from fear that causes us forward. Only then can we quickly get everything we want and be truly happy.