Category Archives: Help

How Wattles makes us better

The book The Science of Becoming Rich from Wallace Wattles has a fundamental objective that is to teach us to handle this science to acquire wealth, being which we wished to be, or simply to live in harmony with the universe. In addition, it has other interesting things.

One of them, first who arise to us when we read the book for the first time, is the one that says that we must make our work of the possible most perfect form. Pardon by the license, but more perfect does not exist, if it is perfect cannot be more than that, but is an emphatic turn.

The idea behind the phrase is that we must insist on making our task daily, our work, or what it is that feeds to us and dresses us every day, of the best form than we can do it. It is not enough with going to work every day or to fulfil as we pruned with our obligations, we must do it of irreproachable form.

Why?. The answer of Wallace Wattles is simple: we must contribute to improve the quality of the universe. Everything what we do every day, as small as it could be, contributes to acquire value for the universe that surrounds us. If we do it well, we will be improving the energy of the surroundings and it will be arriving to us in form of aids to our dreams.

Everything is tie. Everything is connected. And if our task is excellent, so it will be the answer of our atmosphere towards us. Of this form, Wattles also becomes a source of wealth for all that that follows its postulates exactly. And it makes us transform into positive generators that go and return, that fills to us of satisfaction and causes that our world is a little better every day.

Why helping others? (cont.)

We all have something to give. That is a truth that has no discussion. We see it every day, at every step, in all situations. Even those who do not seem.In my work I know many people, both very capable and very prepared at universities in the first world, as well as people who just finished his elementary school and develops very simple tasks. I know also people of great experience, which many years ago that makes his task, and people just start in a trade, either simple or complex. And everywhere, absolutely everywhere, I see something that they have to give. Something that others need, at every step, every moment of the day.

We work in a group, more or less reduced. In this group, as I say, there are people of every background and experience. My first job was trying to join the group, namely giving the characteristic of a group. Understanding as a set of people with a common goal, with a project together. To do so the first thing I did, of course, to establish the common goal and comment it with everyone, making them see that we had to work for all the same.

But the second thing I did was make them see each of them that everyone had something to give to others. Rather than concentrate on showing that each was necessary that the work of each was part of the essential work of the group, my conversation with each of them was to show that they had something to give to the group. That meant that the motivation to grow exponentially. So, rather than show that each one was needed for a role, I concentrated on discovering that thing everyone could give to the group beyond their work.

Their work is the counterpart of his salary, but to enforce the injunction to Wattles “give more than they receive”, they each had to give more than they receive, that is needed to be something more than their work. Making their task merely part of a machine as a gear, which in the best case I could get perfect working to fulfill the goal. And never work in perfect shape, of course. But giving more than they receive, the mechanism of the machine operates more oiled and cover all the gaps that might have on the task of each. Thus, each one grows and the group grows and grows. Extrapolating, the universe grows, more life for all.

And what each one can give? I started mentioning all the joy and good education. Those two things are an essential first base that transform the workplace in a nice place, peaceful and pleasant. A good environment becomes all more productive and efficient. In addition lime roughness, generates confidence and makes us more easy the problems always, always going to happen.

And then I continued with leniency. The forbearance is a virtue that has no press, but is essential for understanding among human beings. The indulgence is a relative of generosity, and is to be sympathetic with the mistakes of others while we give a second chance and we have no accents too strong in the failures of others. The indulgence can build relationships between humans, that the mutual understanding of the errors of each generates an extraordinary familiarity and acceptance.

There is much more to say, and to give. But these three things I talked to each of them produced a multiplied impressive effect. Each of the people realized they had much more to give than just their work 8 hours in an office. Each became aware of how important it was to him for the whole group, and that solidified and joined the group.

Things are happening at this very moment, but I can assure you that neither ten years could have achieved as a group united as I managed in a few weeks to show what each has to give, without being obliged to do so. It is magical. Make the test.

Why helping others?

One of the first things you learn when reading the first book The Science of Getting Rich from Wallace Wattles is the need to give more than you receive. Wattles says on trade: to give more in use value that the money they receive for a particular good. Perhaps the limitations of the time, and overstated the value of trade at the time, gave this turn, purely commercial. But its significance is large. Give more than you receive, nothing more and nothing less.

The reason is simple. Thus, being generous to those who give us a good, which may consist of only buy something, enrich the world. For those who are in the trade, the customer is a help, a partner, without it there is no business. If all give more than they give us, the world would benefit. The abundance reign, rather than poverty and misery on vast expanses of our planet.

Of course, one might think that if gives more than receives could be impoverished. And no. Because precisely that Wattles said to give more in use value that the monetary value. So give more, but differently. Of course if I give two loaves of bread in my bakery when they are paying just one, I will break. So is the phrase “to give more in use value” or give something different than what we are giving. Something that would be useful in a different way.

If everyone give a smile when we buy something, or a word of encouragement or appreciation, or simply a good wish, that multiplied by billions make the world richer. They even large corporations have understood this truth after one hundred years. There is a large corporation not having any plans or community development programme of aid to the needy, support for minorities, etc etc etc..

And if these insensitive capitalism monsters have understood. What we expectto understand? (Continue…)